All Systems Go


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All I have to do is make my Dr’s appointment tomorrow.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately. Believe it or not I’ve been making progress in life. For 10 years I’ve smoked weed constantly, it was like cigarettes for me. I didn’t get high, I just smoked it to keep me calm. I went cold turkey around 2 months ago and haven’t smoked since.

I drank a lot as well. I used to binge drink all the time. Coming home and throwing up or throwing up the next morning was fairly commonplace. Over the past year I’ve stopped binge drinking but I’ve been drinking everyday (up until lately). There was an incident which caused this to happen. I would drink more or less 10 beers a day (this isn’t binge drinking in my book). More on the weekends. Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to keep it down to 2 beers a day.

To someone who hasn’t struggled with addiction this doesn’t sound like that big of a deal but for someone who’s been where I am they’d understand this is huge. It’s borderline impossible to do on your own.

In the past the only time I’ve been able to stay off drugs and alcohol is when I took adderall. It really just ‘fixes’ my brain. All the things that bother me are put on the back burner and I’m able to function like a regular person.

And see that’s the thing: In the past I needed adderall to stave off my addictions. Lately I’ve staved off my addictions through sheer willpower. If I get back on adderall I’m going to be freakishly propelled through life. It’s hard to put into words. Just knowing my depression and anger issues will melt away is wonderful in its own.

The other side of the coin is just how much money I will be making. Since I wont be paralyzed with emotional issues I’m going to be able to actually work as I should. I’ve researched the automotive market and I have the talent. I have buyers ready the only thing in the way between me and money is me. I can’t put into words just how incredible this is for me.

So all I gotta do is make my Dr’s appointment tomorrow so that I can get the prescription. The issue is that I can’t sleep at night, and poor sleep triggers epilepsy. There’s not much that can be done, either I’ll make it or I wont.

If I make that appointment then you’ll notice my posts will change for the better. I’m sick in the head and I need medicine.

When I get it you’ll see how high I can fly.

Sub par black sheep


This is a hard post to make. Not because it’s emotionally difficult or whatever but because my memory has faded over the years. Anyway..

My childhood wasn’t really that bad when I think deeply about it. But when I initially look back on it I can’t help but to think, “Oh thank God that’s over with.” A lot of people want to go back to their childhood years but fuck that, I truly remember tears and neglect. Why would I want to go through that again?

My family, especially my father, is overly religious. The Bible is translated differently from person to person. So for me, I got the short end of the stick due to the way my dad translated it. The ‘first born’ was revered and I was not. I have lots of little memories like how he would instill fear in me. You know what it means to ‘punk someone out’? He’d do this to me as a child.

I remember the torture that my older brother put me through. Initially he hated me, he’d physically assault me as a baby. I know this because when I grew older my baby sitter would tell me about how this was a problem. He grew over his hatred but the torture and contempt continued. One time I hurt myself pretty bad and was laying down crying. My bro – despite his feelings for me – tried to get my dad to help. He didn’t do anything except tell me to quit crying.

As I grew older I developed crying spells. I’m not saying it’s a result of my upbringing, but I’m sure it didn’t help. I remember it started around 4th or 5th grade. I’d spontaneously cry and I truly didn’t know why. It wasn’t as if I thought of something that bothered me then began to cry. It was just seemingly random. I remember crawling under my desk and crying my eyes out. My teacher asked me what was wrong and I said I didn’t know…because I truly didn’t. This went on for over a year at least. I’d try to hide it. If I had enough time I’d run to the bathroom and cry for a few minutes then come back to class.

My health didn’t shit the bed till I was 16, but that’s another story. I remember what fucked with me was those early high school years. I had bad acne like my older bro did. My parents put my bro on a particular treatment which cleared him up just like switching off the lights. They wouldn’t put me on it….because fuck me because I’m a piece of shit.

I remember I played football in high school for my freshmen year and wrestling for my sophomore year. My brother played football in his freshmen year and every time he came home my mother would have a hot plate of food ready for him. Not me though because apparently I’m not worth it. I remember asking her about this and she would ignore me as she watched TV.

My grades were always sub par. It’s not because of my intelligence, it’s due to the fact that I hated school and especially homework. Here’s where the psychological torture came into play: It’s impossible to describe this since I have blacked out most of these memories. My parents would have these little ‘talks’ with me of how I need to improve my grades. Sounds dumb I know and I wish I could describe it better but it’s blacked out from my memory. It was relentless though. It was just a hammering into my head that I will become a nobody.

I remember begging them to stop it but they wouldn’t listen because I’m just a fucking dumbass and what do I know? Psychological torture is fine for someone like me because fuck my dumb ass. I begged them to stop but they just wouldn’t listen. I’d rather be beaten.

There’s so much it’s impossible to put it all down, especially in order. I used to be a fighter but this was removed from me and now I’m basically a psycho. My father removed the fight from me so now I’m all fear until I’m alone and then I simmer in hatred. So much hate in my heart and it’s very hard to get out. I don’t want to be this way, I do good things in life and I’m kind to people but I still am a very angry and sad person.

It’s really messed up. I’m older now and I want to scream at my dad and sometimes I want to get in his face and do to him what he did to me as a boy. But now he’s an old man with white hair. And he’s not an evil person. He never came home drunk and beat on me or cheated on my mother. He put food in my belly and got me through school. But at the end of the day I can’t shake how much of an asshole he is. He was treated poorly in his youth and he takes it out on his family.

I think the psychological torture I went through is worse than physical beatings. I think at my older age I couldn’t be tortured in the same manner. It’s just that when I was younger my mind was like soft clay and it was shaped into what it is today. Now it’s hardened into the psycho that I am now.

It’s times like this I wonder if I’m wasting my time with sobriety. I truly wonder how much longer I have on this Earth. May as well not suffer. I’m not really irresponsible, I don’t go off the rails with drugs and alcohol. I don’t drink and drive or anything like that. Just 6-10 beers and a bit of marijuana. It keeps me calm and mellow. When I’m sober I just fucking hate. When I’m not angry I’m so depressed I often can’t eat, I get poor sleep and all my dreams are nightmares.

For the record, if you’re reading this and you know someone who’s in a dark place like I am, just let them talk. Don’t advise unless they ask. Just sit there and listen, let them get it out. I don’t have anyone like this in my life and it hurts.

Brave Face


If you’re reading this fuck you I hate you I have no love for you or anyone I fucking hate you fuck you.

I fucking hate living like the walking dead. Every moment of my life I feel heartbroken. I don’t know how to express this since I’m a fucking coward punk pussy bitch I pretend to be happy so that I don’t turn people away. I’m more robot than human at this point.

My mothers birthday is tomorrow. Technically today. It’s 2am and I’m awake because I can’t sleep because I hate every second of existence. It’s like that slow chinese torture bullshit. Every little second tears at my heart I want to die. But I apparently I have to pretend like life is rad and the wind is to my back. People have it worse right? Yeah so fuck me what do I know I’m need to stop being a punk ass faggot bitch mother fucking coward like I am. Fuck me. And you too for that matter, fuck you I hate you.

So in the morning I’ll give my mom a hug with a smile on my face. My heart will be empty and I doubt it even beats anymore at this point. If it does it needs to fucking cut it out that shit hurts.

Then the next day the suffering continues. I am out of steam, it’s amazing I keep going.

Did I mention fuck you? God I wish my ‘friends’ would read this. God dammit do I truly hate those fake assholes. I love my enemies because at least they don’t pretend to be by my side. I know to write them out immediately. Wonderful! Fucking fake friends are evil. Sugar laced with poison. Fuck!

I just want this all to come to an end I truly do. They say stress is the ultimate killer but that’s bullshit because I’m still here somehow. What the fuck where’s my heart attack at? That would truly be a blessing.

I’m so over this goddamn bullshit suffering.

I guess there’s nothing left to say. I’m screaming in an empty room. Everyone has left.

Sobriety isn’t fun when you hate life


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I’ve been sober for a while now. Being sober, my head clears up and I can think clearly. I remember why I turned to vices in the first place: I’m a miserable fuck. I hate life. I don’t fit in this world and people don’t take this fact seriously. It’s as if life is a puzzle with all the pieces put together and yet there’s one piece extra. That piece isn’t necessary, it shouldn’t be there and should be discarded. I am that piece of trash.

Since my health has somewhat improved I’ve tried getting on with my life but I’m a shell of my former self, which wasn’t much to write home about in the first place. Since I can’t work and have very little money it’s hard to leave the house. This is compounded by the fact that my health is poor. My social skills are pretty shoddy right now. I still go out because the only way to make friends is to get out of the house.

Making friends is hard when you’re a miserable, negative, broke, fucker. It’s very hard for me to be social. I just don’t know what to say in a lot of circumstances and this is awkward. I remember only like a year ago I was pretty popular and I never had to ‘think’ of what to say, I just opened my mouth and the right words came out every time.

But now I’ve lost that skill. It’s as if I served a prison sentence and have been released to society; you can’t expect me to socialize normally, I’m not used to such environments anymore. I’m used to holing up in my house, my only friend being my TV.

I used to be witty amongst friends but now every little thing I take very personally. I twist things into something they are not and then dwell on it for days. One minor gesture or comment from someone will send me spiraling into a week long depression and I wont be able to sleep.

I can’t help but to think I should just shut myself off from human contact altogether. I’d rather get run over by a car than continually have my heart broken, subsequently sending me into another nausea inducing, week-long depression. Fuck that shit why should anyone live that way? Why continually put yourself out there only to be shut down every time?

The ‘true friend’ concept is something that’s really been messing with me lately. I don’t know if people like this exist. I’m not being over dramatic. When you’re down is when you find out who your friends are, they’re there to pick you up. I’ve never had a person like this in my entire life. People tell me they love me and that they are there for me but whenever it comes down to it they don’t answer my calls or texts.

So at a time like now when I’m more vulnerable than normal I wonder if I should even seek out friendships? I’m not a kid anymore. Maybe I should just continue with what I’m doing to get money – that much I know I can do – but regarding friendships, just forget it. Fuck love, I know that’s not going to happen, I just mean a buddy to talk to when I’m down.

That’s all I want is a friendly ear that will listen.

And this is in part what turned me to vices. It numbs my emotions and allows me sleep at night. It helps me feel normal.


A few things that keep me going



Where to start?

Charity: I suppose one of the primary things that makes me look back at my short(ish) life is my contributions to charity. When you feel as though your life is a waste of time it helps to know that the folks you’ve helped would say otherwise. I think about those around me and I just feel competition. But when I think of those I’ve helped, I can’t help but to think they’d appreciate me because despite everything I’ve gone through I still maintained my moral fortitude. They know my heart and can appreciate it.

Kinda odd how that works out: those around me aren’t aware of what I’ve done for charity (I strongly believe in keeping it to oneself). Nobody around here in my city are caring individuals, they’re all crabs in a bucket. And yet folks across the world can vouch for me because they’ve benefited from my beliefs of helping others. They know in their hard times I’ll be there. Truly, nobody knows how difficult it is for me to help others but I fucking do it. I love to help with no strings attached: I’m not trying to convert you, I’m not trying to show you my way of life or anything like that. I see your pain and I want it to go away. I see your demons and I want to shoo them off.

Exercise: This is something most folks have heard of but I don’t think can appreciate, meaning exercise is a natural anti depressant. Honestly after I get back from working out I still feel like shit, but my mind is always more clear and I feel less shitty which is amazing. Exercise can take me out of despair and into depression which isn’t as bad.

I generally have nightmares every night. I don’t mean screaming, fear-based nightmares. I mean reliving gut wrenching events of my life. The scenarios are different but the feeling is always the same. Sometimes I have wonderful dreams of running. Not like I’m running away from something, I mean I’ll be out for a jog and I will be in amazing shape. I’ll be able to sustain a full sprint without getting tired and I’ll have a feeling of bliss.

Odd I know. I wish I could explain it better but it’s a great dream. I suppose it’s a manifestation or whatever for my love of jogging. Jogging is a love/hate kind of thing. You hate it as you’re doing it but you’re only fighting against yourself. But this is a battle that’s easily one since the pain is physical. Jogging, combined with a healthy diet over the course of about a week or so truly makes me feel superhuman.

Again, it’s hard to describe but it’s just nice to be inside a body that performs above average. It’s as though I’m in a low gravity environment, I could jump 10 feet if I wanted to without any effort.

Meditation: Describing my experiences with meditation is like trying to describe a color to a blind person. Meditation is the key to everything you’ve ever wanted.

An issue with it though, is it takes serious dedication. We can see each others bodies and instantly determine if someone needs to go on a diet or not. We can’t see each others minds and we don’t know who has the healthy, strong mind or the weak fragile mind which needs exercise.

Meditation is the diet and exercise of the mind. One can make their mind super strong so that it can carry any burden. To get there though, one has to put in the time and the exercise to be strong. A lot of folks yo-yo, just like with dieting. Meaning, they do it for a while, see amazing results, then stop.

Another issue with meditation is there are so many forms of it, again, just like diets and exercise. A lot of diets are a terrible idea and you’ve gotta be an idiot to choose them. Someone once told me a beer diet is feasible because it has calories and dieting is all calories in/calories out. That’s the most retarded shit I’ve ever heard.

I personally use mindfulness meditation as well as watching the breath.

So that’s it for now. I just wanted to write something positive to counter all the negative crap thats been going on in my life.

My past, dying demons and catharsis


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Most folks think you’re born with epilepsy. For me, I didn’t have any issues until I was 16 years old. I was playing ‘max pain’ on playstation when my body started randomly twitching. It was a saturday and I was supposed to mow the lawn. My father thought I was faking it to  get out of chores. My mom realized I wasn’t when she witnessed me fall down and my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

I thought that was a one off kind of thing. I eventually got my first job shortly after, at 16 years old at a sea food restaurant. I remember cutting limes when my epilepsy started acting up again: every other second I’d have a spastic twitch. It was incredibly awkward and I didn’t know what was happening. It started out as my arms jerking to my sides as I’d bend at the hips abruptly. It worsened to the point where I’d drop straight to the ground.

I was fired from that job.

My doctor told me to see a neurologist. I did, and he told me I had epilepsy. I tried to explain to him he was wrong because I didn’t drop to the floor and have a big seizure like you see on TV. He did the best he could to politely explain to me that I do in fact have epilepsy.

I remember the first time I had a big seizure like you see on TV. It’s sort of a longer story than you’d think. Right around the same time the epilepsy manifested in my body I started having these severe pains in my jaw. It wouldn’t last long but it was the worst pain I ever had.

This jaw pain graduated into cluster headaches, literally the worst pain known to man. The doctor gave me a ton of pain pills to deal with it. The pills didn’t help with the pain but they made me feel good, so this started a several year addiction which worsened the epilepsy.

This is what led to my first big seizure: typically epilepsy for me means jerking and twitching awkwardly for 12 or so hours. When I was in my early 20s this was happening and I popped a pill because I wanted to… because fuck it I hated my life. This sent me into the seizures you see on TV.

I remember one moment sitting at the kitchen table, and the next moment waking up on the floor as if waking up from a nap. Apparently I was moaning and frothing at the mouth but I don’t remember this. Frankly I remember feeling fine, although paralyzed. Next thing I know I black out again.

As weird as it sounds I remember having an out of body experience. I remember watching ‘me’ walking from one room to another and asking about why there is an ambulance and firetruck outside the house. I think I remember asking something like, “are they here for me?”

I ‘popped’ back into my body and when I did I couldn’t speak. I remember seeing my mother petrified, and several uniformed folks in my house. I am not a tough guy but I had a hesitation of taking them down because they were in my house and telling me what to do… “sit down” “calm down” etc. But I had enough of a whereabouts to know it was my house. I still felt as though I’m in charge and watch your fucking tone. At the same time I wanted to chill everyone out but I couldn’t speak. I understood what everyone was saying but I couldn’t speak. In my mind there wasn’t an internal English dialogue either, yet I still was able to comprehend the situation.

As I came to, I realized everyone there was there to help me. I sat down and eventually left in an ambulance.

I’ve been to the ER a few times. The worst was actually due to the cluster headaches but the more dramatic story is from when I busted my head open from another seizure story.

Like I said earlier when my epilepsy acts up it typically looks like I’m jerking and twitching awkwardly for 12-15 hours. Fish out of water kind of thing. If I lay down and stay calm I can wait it out and I’ll be fine. If not I may go into a full on blown out seizure like you see on TV (tonic clonic seizure).

One day when this happened it was really bad. I don’t even know what happened. I remember sitting down in my ‘man cave’ watching tv, trying to wait it out. This is what I always do to alleviate the epilepsy.

So one minute I’m sitting down, the next minute I wake up screaming and folks are telling me “it’s okay” and to calm down. There are paramedics all around me and my mother is holding a towel to my head. I don’t know up from down. Someone says I cut my head “pretty good.” I reply to him but it’s more of an automatic response, I don’t realize just how bad I look. I actually don’t feel the pain from it either, I’m just trying to get my bearings straight.

Someone is holding my hand and pops my finger with something, so I pull my hand away and ‘death stare’ that dude. Everyone looks at me like they’re gonna jump on me and remind me “everything’s okay.” I’m still trying to shake the fog from my head. I realize it’s a paramedic taking my blood so I hand him my hand back. I start to realize I had a seizure and I need to play by the rules.

It’s embarrassing. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed but walk in those shoes then let me know how you feel.

I’m in the ambulance now and my shirt is covered in blood. I don’t think my shirt was cut off I think I took it off but I don’t remember. I do remember thinking to myself this wasn’t my first time being in an ambulance and since I’m a car guy I wanted to take this opportunity to look around and see how it was set up. I don’t remember what it looks like on the inside but I remember the sirens and how it creeks a lot.

At the ER I needed several stitches and was sent on my way. When I got back home that night my blood clotted and dried on the floor of my man cave. It smelled exactly like iron. If you’ve ever played the guitar with really old strings, or worked with old nuts and bolts then smelled your fingers you know exactly what I mean.

There was blood everywhere. There was at least half a gallon of blood on the ground, and it was thick like how spilled oil paint stacks on itself. There was also blood sprayed on the wall which I am still yet to get the stains out. I don’t know how that happened it’s weird. I must’ve fallen, split my skull, then stood back up, spraying blood on the wall through my scalp. I really don’t know because I don’t remember.

We haven’t even talked about my cluster headaches yet….

Cluster headaches are the worst thing known to man. I have a serious issue about this. I was raised Lutheran Christian. I am confirmed in the faith. I went to a private christian school before I went to high school. I know the Bible like the back of my hand. This is what pisses me off.

Jesus Christ had 1 miserable day. On top of that he asked his father (God) to get him out of the crucifixion. His one day of misery. Did he not know of cluster headaches? I would absolutely trade 1 day of misery over years of horrendous despair. Nobody can understand the pain of a cluster headache. Nail my hands into a 2×4 and I’ll laugh at you. You have no idea where I’ve been.

Cluster headaches take you on a ride. It starts with the physical pain then to the psychological torture. This is where it gets it’s pseudonym of suicide headaches. You can only take it for so long before you can’t help but to at least consider that suicide is your only recourse. If a spy takes his suicide pill to save himself torture do you consider him suicidal? Understand? The folks that killed themselves due to cluster headaches were not suicidal. They needed to end the suffering. God bless them.

To anyone who says suicide wasn’t the answer, fuck you you goddamn piece of shit. You’re a selfish asshole. I get it. Suicide sends the suffering to family members and those who loved them. What you assholes don’t get is the suffering that that person went through for so many years. How dare you ask someone to live in such torture? You just don’t get it. You never will. This is why you suffer internally: because you’re blind to reality.

This is my life. I’m still here and I have zero intentions of suicide. But for those who’ve taken that route due to headaches, may you rest in peace. I will speak the truth in your memory. I love you.




I feel I’m making progress in life but I still get stuck in the ruts. Maybe this is the nature of life, it just seems as though the ruts I hit are deep and I get stuck where others can move forward.

For one, I feel pathetic saying this, but I’m in love with a girl who doesn’t feel the same about me. She has been in a relationship for several years. I can’t talk shit about the guy she’s with because frankly he’s an awesome dude. What’s fucked up is I’m happy for her cause I love her and I want what’s best for her. Her and I aren’t a good fit, she has habits I don’t like and we’d make a bad match. At the end of the day though I fucking love her. I’d do back flips just to get a chance to hold her. This doesn’t make sense I know.

I have these images of her in my mind of the faces she makes whether she’s happy, sad or whatever. She has no idea how adorable she is. It’s not even about sex, I just love her and want to be with her. I’d fist fight a lion for the opportunity to hold her. I’d sell everything I own for a chance to hold her hand.

But that’s not gonna happen, so I’m fucked.

I’ve considered writing to her. I’m a blunt person, very honest. I’ll look you in the eyes and tell you what’s on my mind. In my experience folks don’t handle this very well and consider this awkward. Some folks will even walk away to avoid this because they can’t handle it. But when you hand someone a letter their curiosity takes over and they devour it. I’d really like to do this; write her a letter and tell her how I feel.

But that’s not gonna happen, so I’m fucked.

I remember when I was younger there was a gal that really liked me. I suppose I’ll never know just how much she liked me, but she constantly pursued me. I had absolutely zero interest in her. I tried to let her down easy but she didn’t take it well. To this day she’s a bit of a crazy gal and I can’t help but to think this is a reaction of the lack of attention she got from me.

It’s kinda funny how this works: The one you want, wants nothing to do with you, but there are others that will leap at a chance to get at you. But those are the fish that you throw back.

This is in part what’s fucked up for me. I am physically attractive and charming (believe it or not) but my health is fucked, so this limits me from standard dating protocol. I’ve been with girls that are more beautiful than any model you’ve ever seen but I can’t stay in a relationship with any girl. I don’t hold this against anybody because asking someone to deal with my issues is like asking someone to figure out the meaning of life. It’d be nice if a gal could figure that out.

But that’s not gonna happen, so I’m fucked.


it’s coming


I’m so happy I’m coming through this tunnel of darkness. It was rough taking a true inventory of my life but it was very cathartic. In my past my health was so bad I had zero concept of where my future was heading, I didn’t have a 5 year plan or anything like that. Now shits about to kick off. My car is far from completed and it’s basically already sold. I threw out a number of $8k and I have folks in line to buy it. I can build this bitch in less than a month.

See what is happening? I’m about to go from disability to absolutely fucking crushing it. It’s gonna be weird going from poverty to wealthy.

This is all the more reason why I’m stoked I pulled my head out of my ass and realized what true friends are. I’m sure after this sell folks will start hitting me up asking about cars. I know where everyone’s heart is at. I wont be a dickhead – as much as I’d enjoy it – it’s just not right. I really think it’s a great thing if you are dragged through the mud and yet you can stand right up, knock the mud off and have the fortitude to keep to righteous principles. The devil has been cracking me left and right but he’s still too much of a pussy to knock me out.

I expected to find compassionate folks at this point but it hasn’t happened. At the end of the day though I know who I am and I know I’m a good soul. I wish I could talk about the good things I do but I feel as though that would almost cancel out the good deeds. Good deeds should be done at random. Good deeds should be a knee jerk reaction upon seeing suffering. In other words, one should spring to help someone in need and not put it on their damn youtube channel.

I can’t lie, the future makes me anxious. But at the same time I understand it’s my life line. My future is like clay waiting to be molded into any shape I want it to be. All I gotta do is stay focused and put in the work.



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It’d be nice to make another friend one day. In my entire life I think I’ve made 2. If you’re reading this then you may think I’m an introvert, someone who doesn’t leave the house often. Thing is I do. I can walk into damn near any establishment in my city of 1 million people and I promise I’ll know someone that’ll slap me five and give me a hug.

Thing about that is, that’s someone I hang out with. A friend is someone who is with you through thick and thin. A friend is someone who will leap to your aid without hesitation. The person I described is just someone who likes me so long as I don’t complain.

Many folks are like this. Hell most are. I get it on some level but honestly when I think critically about it I still can’t help but to think fuck that person. I don’t need backup in a fist fight, I need an ear to speak to when I’m down. Folks talk how hard and strong they are but when I just need an ear they squirm like babies. Fuck you. Fuck you I hate you.

I get it, I’m considered weak. Yeah, we all got problems right? Fuck you I hate you. I really fucking hate you for saying you love me and you’ll always be my friend. Hatred is my fuel in life now. I’ll use this negative energy like an alchemist, transmuting it into energy to propel me in life. I will take the shit given to me and bury it in my soul, using it as fertilizer to grow my garden. You will never smell the flowers or taste the fruit. You were never there for me. You are the snake. Fuck you I hate you.

I will continue to do good. I can’t say that I’ll continue to open my heart to people but I will continue to help those in need. But at the end of the day, fuck you. I have been nothing but nice. This may have been my fault because no good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps this is why my life is the way it is. Regardless, I will continue to help those in need.

But for you, fuck you don’t call me or text me, I hate you. When I am tired after a long days work and want to call it a day I will think of you and the way I’ve been treated, this will result in a freakish amount of anger which I will use to go back to work, to succeed in life and you’ll still be a dumb cunt working your stupid job being disrespected by assholes.